“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Sunday, May 18, 2008


小孩们的偶像-Ultraman来Tebrau City 走走。难道这里有怪物出现吗?!

今天特地和宝贝去Tebrau City看一出有关于魔幻系列的电影-《纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子》(The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian),是C.S.Lewis-纳尼亚系列的第二部。

故事发生在自从四兄妹离开纳尼亚回到自己的世界后,那里已经过了好几百年,纳尼亚前国王的王弟King Miraz杀害兄长,篡夺了王位。在他残暴统治之下,所有会说话的动物和精灵们都惨遭残酷和死亡的迫害。侥幸生存的都隐藏起来了。King Miraz甚至计划把王位的唯一继承人-Prince Caspian(stared by Ben Barnes-帅哥!)杀害。幸好得到了博士的帮助才得以及时逃离King Miraz的魔爪。王子逃离王宫,在与敌人对抗时吹响了Susan的魔法号角,将彼德四兄妹唤回这个世界帮助他们。王子在森林里召集了纳尼亚的老居民,并得到他们的支持。正邪两方展开激战。他们领导纳尼亚的动物和精灵们战胜了邪恶的国王,凯斯宾王子继承了王位,并解放了纳尼亚。纳尼亚又恢复了以往的生机勃勃。彼德四兄妹又重返自己的世界。


我觉得最后比较惋惜的是因为彼德四兄妹必须重返自己的世界,在无可奈何之下Susan和Prince Caspian唯有被迫斩断他们刚萌芽的爱苗。超可惜的,真希望他俩在未来纳尼亚系列中还可以再续前缘(虽然Peter&Susan在这部电影的结局曾提到只有他俩不能再回来纳尼亚了,但我还是希望导演可以让奇迹发生在他们身上啰。。。)

我好喜欢Prince Caspian穿上欧式宫廷装的模样,好man,好帅气哩!!特别是他每次望着Susan的眼神,忧忧郁郁的,超性感+电力十足,连银幕前的我也被电得头晕晕的。哈,我又开始发花痴了。*giggle*



frederickgam said...

Hey, I went to catch Narnia 2 (Prince Caspian) last weekend too, at Leisure Mall. Me, David and another friend reached the theatre just in time whenthe who was about to start....good timing !
I've been busy with some home decor stuff ... take a look at my blog when youre free.

Jenjen said...

i love to see that prince Caspian. He is jz so handsome when dressed in ancient Euro court dress. i was completely attracted by him!! haha... i'm a bit anthomaniac "花痴" *grin* crazy!!
Wau, doing home deco again har... next time should ask u to help me deco my house if i get one in future. hehe...