“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Partnered With Alex Last Night

I was awakened by the storm rain this morning. My wrist and arm are slightly feeling pain since last night.

It was a fun for the whole play although we both kept engaging in a duel of words. I think, Alex must have got his blood pressure rose up and hit the optimum last night. Luckily, he hadn’t paralyzed by the end. Ha-ha.

This is my second play of badminton. I just realized that I had been making so many mistakes and poor gestures before I met Alex and Alicia’s friend. Well, I didn’t really get it during the first time of play which was happened just about two weeks ago as nobody corrected my mistake until last night when Alicia brought me to her other friends for the game.

Originally, may be he was still strange to me (this was our first time to meet each other), so in order to be courteous, he asked me politely to move forward or backward and correct my skill. After certain period of time, he started to turn into a naggy man.

I have summarized what he bugging me as following…
“Hey, are you dreaming?”
“Hey, stand in front!!”
“Hey, move your feet!”
“Hey, you better hold your racket firmly! Don’t twist it around your hand.”
“Hey, look at your target precisely before you start the ball!”
“Hey, raise your arm!”
“More power please!”
“Get your both hands work together!”
“Hey, look at the ball!”
“Be more concentrating, please!”
“Don’t play with your racket!!”
“Hey, don’t keep laughing!” (He was laughing too when he scolded me this.)
“Catch the ball!”
“Smash the ball higher!!”
“Hit the ball straight!”
“How many time I have told you…”
And, bla bla bla...

For a moment, I had thought of stuffing something into his mouth to keep him shut up. I needed some peace to sort my mind up and he couldn't stop talking for just a while.

On top of listening and picking up the skill, I felt my brain wanted to get exploded by all his non-stop-nagging. My brain was torturing by all this. He is young but he acted like an old bloody woman who keeps nagging endlessly at her children when they have done something wrong.

He waffled on for many times and finally, I broke my bottom line! I thought I would be a moron if I continued to keep quiet and be polite. So, I started to bicker back whenever the chance. I would not just be silent anymore. Rather I had to show my aggressive too.

Thing turned out even more amusing after that. Alicia kept laughing at the other side when we quarreled. She said we were like cat and dog which could never be stayed together else it looks like an Armageddon. Ha. Really? We still kept fighting on along the game until the last bit. We were partners but we didn’t look like what we should look. *giggle*

Anyhow, this bit is especially dedicated to my bloody partner - Thanks Lex Lee. I pick up loads from your lesson last night even though I had to sacrifice my ears and let my brain tortured by your ceaseless nagging and chatter. Haha! Hope we get together again someday.


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