“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Tuesday, March 30, 2010



这是我第一次在班上即兴要求我的学生朗诵诗歌。平时就只是要求他们尽量把文章念得有声有色吧了。仅此而已。这一次要把Willian Shakespeare的诗歌念得出神入化无疑是对他们的一种考验。

"Does anyone can read the poem 'Life's Brief Candle' for me?"原本还很叽叽喳喳的小麻雀们顿时变得鸦雀无声,你看我看你的,还没有人愿意举手试一试。就在这当儿,子庆忽然间举手问我:"老师,可以让我试一试吗?"哇,求之不得哩!


基本上除了他的表情还拿捏得不够好之外(也许小弟弟还入世未深),他那洪亮的嗓门夹带着他那高底起伏有序地调子,Oh-My-God! He is a great genius! Oh bravo!!班上顿时引起了小小的轰动。

其他的学生除了惊讶之外还因为在朗读时的子庆根本就不像是他们平时认识的他而忍不住一直笑。小孩子就是这样,除了挨骂挨打之外,什么都可以拿来笑个不停。有时候我还真怀疑他们是不是screw loose了。


Saturday, March 27, 2010

I’m A Sick Cat

This is a new nick given by my naughty sis. Well, I have been falling ill for nearly two weeks. It began with sore throat, then running nose, bad flu and turn out serious cough now. Oh God, I’m so pissed off!

On the other hand, my hubby gets me all these lovely sushi for my dinner. I think I could temporary get myself out of the depressed ill by enjoying my favorite dishes tonight. Itadakimasu! (A Japanese phrase which literally means “Thank you for the meal” and “Let’s eat”.)

Friday, March 26, 2010











Monday, March 15, 2010

Called Off the Townhouse Plan

This is somehow really disappointing.

Approaching a few bankers and lawyer to consult about the home loan procedure and relevant information, and even seeking advice from my dad and friend who works in the bank, everything just by the edge. We should almost decide to proceed for the next - appointing a lawyer to prepare the legal sales and purchase and the loan agreements. However, we suddenly found out that the townhouse unit is having loads of unforeseen future financial issue.

Well, I only knew that when I popped in to the developer office this afternoon. I purposely took half-day off today to settle everything mentioned above. As a normal buyer, you do want to carry out some research and investigation before you want to buy a house, don’t you? Because this is going to involve a lot of money.

We are not just buying a pair of shoes or bag that could simply be returned for changing or replacement so long as it's still within the stated period. We are buying a house now. An absolutely huge investment for us. Thus, we have to be more careful.

One of the sales ladies from the IOI developer office revealed me some background of the Palm Court which is the area where the townhouse located. She said that piece of land was initially planned for developing the high class expensive condominium type property. However, the strategy changed after that and built up only the townhouses and terrace houses in that guarded area eventually.

All those government-related taxes are somehow still remained at those for the condo-type, which is nearly ten times higher than the normal range it should be. Plus, each tenant has to pay a minimum of extra RM5000 (estimated value and could be higher than that) to get the master title divided among other tenants there. I mean, we have to pay some huge amount of money if we want to get the individual title. The application of getting the individual title has been submitted in year 2008 and the result could only be produced in year 2013. Before that, we are not allowed to carry out any renovation outside of our own unit. (Renovation is prohibited at our own house? This is completely ridiculous!)

Some more the price of that unit now has dropped 10% lower than its origin. We would be paying too much if we take its original price. Huh~

Goodness. Everything is out of our plan. We would be in a real trouble if we really buy in that unit.

After some discussion again over the phone with my hubby tonight, we decide to call off the plan. We would better look for the others… instead of taking the trouble.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Townhouse Unit For Sale

This morning when I wanted to depart for my work after breakfast, I bumped into my neighbour right when I just stepped out from my house. She was sending her son out for the work too. Then we both gave a friendly morning greeting to each other and she suddenly asked me,” Jen, did you ever think to buy a house in JB?” Why on earth did she want to know that? I was a bit bewildered.

She added again, “Because I want to give up my house while I have actually just bought another new one, a Semi-D in the other area.” Oh, I see. She would sell it at the original price, which is RM114000. Wow, that’s considered a good bargain. For getting a house for oneself. Why I’ve never thought about it? “Ok, I will consider it,” I replied her in rising exhilaration.

After that, I quickly called to my dad and then my hubby in Singapore to tell them about this news. They both were quite interested. My dad encouraged us to buy out the unit. Instead of paying off the high rental to others every month, why don’t we pay for the one that would really belong to us by the end? Some more it’s just next door. So, it would be very easy for us to monitor everything when renovation, we didn’t have to bother about moving our big stuff like the washing machine, fridge and everything because it’s just next door. It would be the easiest ever task in the world for moving in to a new house.

I am getting so excited the whole day when thought about I am going to have a new house soon. My own house. Oh no. It should be ours. Our dream house! We would have lots of things to do and prepare, for our new coming house!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Merely A Landscape

We paid a visit to our subcon at Benut this afternoon and out of the blue, we ran into this fishing village when we wanted to find somewhere for lunch. It’s quite beautiful natural scenery which I could hardly found in the city.