“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Friday, May 28, 2010

Leisure Time Café (忙里偷闲) at Three Lamps

We spent quite some time to find out this fabulous place amongst the dense and utterly crowed Three Lamps (Sam Jan Dang, 三盏灯) area. It’s in the middle with other tiny shops and honestly not easy to get noticed (we had overlooked it for a few times). Seldom local people know about this café too. Well, frankly there are too many shops around. Most of them are so small and cramped and could barely fit in a few persons at a time.

Besides serving the Taiwanese cuisine, the cafe is practically like a small museum which decked out with so many really old, fabby Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Goofy’s figurines, ceramic plates and statues in there. They are hanging on the wall, sitting in the glass wardrobe, standing on the counter, and even appeared in the toilet. Oh, so cute!!

They are considered as ANTIQUEs nowadays!! The man who collected them browsed them from all over the world. He must have taken up much effort and time on doing this.

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