“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Friday, May 30, 2008



Music is amazing. It always arouses the image of someone or something or some places which is hiding in your memory consciously or unconsciously. It is like a type of perfume. It brings back the old scenery when you smell it.


Anonymous said...

同意, 音乐的確是很奇妙…

再愛我吧! (周華健) - 中學時代,無優無慮的日子.

Eye on me (王菲) - 在梳邦再也讀summer course,一段跟同房室友混得蠻開心的日子.

真心真意 (許志安) - 大學初期, 一段拼命唸書,拼命打工賺生活費的日子…生活忙碌而充實.

愛再西元前 (周杰倫) - 大學畢業初期, 遇上經濟不景氣而找不到工作的日子…但健康處于最佳狀態,因為了消磨時間而每天運動打球.

以父之名 (周杰倫),哭笑不得 (柯有倫) - 在柔佛工作初期, 一段心情低落的日子.

愛轉角 & 朋友歌(羅志祥),好眼淚 壞眼淚(徐若瑄) - 一段與她一起嘻哈的快樂日子(我自認為的...).

光年 & 親愛的 (李聖杰),兩敗俱傷 (柯有倫) - 以後會讓我想起這段日子,此刻心情的歌曲.

Jenjen said...
