“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.” ~by Og Mandino

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Going On Holiday

Yes-yes-yes. I will be going on holiday very soon, right after a few hours later. Mind you, I’m not going to anywhere but my hometown - I'm going back to Bintulu, a lovely peaceful town where I spent my childhood as well as all my dearest family is living now. I'm so excited when time flashes through bit by bit which means I’m getting closer and closer to the boarding time.

I hadn't had enough time to get my stuff packed for the past few days except this morning. However, I’ve already jotted down everything I need to get into my luggage later on my PDA. This is the advantage of PDA - you can easily scribble and memories every teeny little thing in this small advanced machine (can I call it as a machine?) anytime you want, even if you are in the toilet (ooh...yuck!) or on a cab to somewhere. Oh, how great!

Here is some private stuff that needs to go in my luggage:
1. Greeting cards for my family.
2. 2 new formal shirts for dad.
3. Car owner transferring document.
4. The baby gal doll (for photography posting).
5. Passport, bankbooks, password slips.
6. A lovely wedding envelope.
7. A Levi's skinny jeans.
8. White plaid short pants.
9. Black vest from SUB.
10. A blinking cross badge.
11. Black silky blouse, scarf, a pair of long black soaks & a pair of purple dinner shoes.
12. A white XL t-shirt.
13. PDA & HP charges.
14. A towel (blue one).
15. Tweety bird housewear.
16. D90, charges, USB cable for data transferring later.
17. 3 novels.
18. Blinking belt from SUB.
19. Purple shirt from Dorothy Perkin.
20. Levi's skirt.
21. Hello Kitty shirt.
22. AirAsia (JB - Sibu) & MAS Airline (Sibu - BTU) E-tickets.
23. My make-up set.
24. Facial cleanser & treatment set.
25. Bath set. (Conditioner)
26. Basketball?
27. A pink striped shirt. (Borrowed from hubby’s)
28. A white shirt from MNG.
29. A bunch of keys.
30. Golden little handbag from Padini.
and so on.

Gosh. It seems to be so many.

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